File a complaint

You can send the complaint to ECC Latvia e-mail address

  1. Your name and surname;
  2. Address of your place of residence;
  3. Your phone number;
  4. Your email address;
  5. Name of the seller / service provider;
  6. Country and address of the seller / service provider;
  7. Website of the seller / service provider;
  8. Date of conclusion of the contract;
  9. Date of delivery of the product / service;
  10. Form of the contract (e-commerce, telephone, on the premises, auction or other);
  11. Price of goods / services;
  12. Method of payment (bank transfer, cash, credit card, etc.);
  13. Date on which you contacted seller / service provider about the problem;
  14. Description of the problem;
  15. Preferable solution to the problem;
  16. The complaint is accompanied by documentation of the problem.

NB! If you do not know or are unable to provide us with the information requested in the above points, skip that point.

Or just simply fill out the form below:

In order to examine your complaint as fast as possible and in effective manner, in the statement, which is addressed to ECC Latvia, the following shall be indicated:

    1. Delete




      Add more files

    NB! If you do not know or are unable to provide us with the information requested in the above points, skip that point.
